
Big Tech Censors Townhall’s Fact-Based Reporting: Fight Back as a VIP Member Today!

It's no secret that big tech platforms have started a full-scale attack on the First Amendment by censoring conservative voices and factual reporting. But even though they are being attacked in a way that has never happened before, Townhall continues to fight for truth and freedom, even though they are being punished for reporting on things that really matter to regular Americans.

One of these is climate change, which is a radical plan to limit our freedoms, limit our choices, and redistribute wealth around the world. The Biden Administration is pushing this agenda without any shame, whether it's by banning gas stoves and other home products, forcing us to buy electric cars that aren't reliable and can't be afforded, or wasting billions of dollars on meaningless climate pacts that hurt more than they help.

It's no surprise that when Townhall writes about climate change, algorithms from big tech companies cut off our income by calling our writing "disinformation" or "misinformation." But we won't stay quiet. We depend on our loyal readers and supporters to make sure that our journalism can thrive in this hostile atmosphere.

We need your help through Townhall VIP so that we can keep telling you the truth. By becoming a VIP member, you give our writers the tools they need to cover important topics and show how big government lies. Under the guise of "saving the environment," the left wants to control us, but we won't let that happen.

But it's not just about the weather. Oh no, we have to worry about filtering for a wide range of stories, like election problems, voter fraud, the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine side effects and cover-ups, keeping biological men out of women's sports, child sex trafficking, and so on. When we talk about these forbidden topics, our stories get reported and our funding gets cut. We just can't afford to let big tech's plans bury the truth.

Our VIP members can help with that. They are our shining heroes who save us from the grip of censorship. Without their constant support, we wouldn't be here, and the truth about these important problems would be hidden.

So, if you're sick of the biassed reporting in the major media and want to fight back against the widespread censorship, become a Townhall VIP member today. With the offer code CENSORSHIP, you can save an amazing 50% on your membership, bringing the daily cost down to just $0.12. You'll not only be helping us fight for the truth, but you'll also get access to a lot of exclusive material.


Written by Staff Reports

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