
Comer Clamps Down: Hunter Biden Must Testify or Face Consequences!

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) took a stand against Hunter Biden and his lawyer this week. The committee wants to depose President Joe Biden’s son as part of the impeachment inquiry. However, Hunter Biden’s lawyer said he’d only appear in a public hearing, not behind closed doors.

Comer, along with Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), fired back with a letter rejecting Hunter Biden’s demands. They insisted that Hunter Biden must first sit for a deposition, and then they’d consider a public hearing. Comer and Jordan pointed out that depositions are standard procedure and have been used by both Democrat and Republican-majority committees.

Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, said he wants the hearing to be public to prevent any manipulation of the facts. He accused the committee of failing to tie Hunter’s business activities to his father, the president, and suggested a lack of legislative purpose for the investigation.

This didn’t sit well with Comer, who passionately refuted the claims. He emphasized that the committee’s focus is on potentially drafting articles of impeachment against President Biden and investigating his involvement in his family’s business ventures. Comer dismissed Hunter Biden’s attempts to dictate the terms and insisted on the deposition followed by a public hearing.

In a fiery response to reporters, Comer made it clear that Hunter Biden can’t call the shots. He highlighted the privileged background of the Biden family and emphasized the committee’s authority to proceed with the deposition and, if warranted, a public hearing.

Written by Staff Reports

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