
Democrat’s Shock U-Turn: Migrants Banned in Erie County Due to Assault Claims

In a shocking announcement, Mark Polondcarz, the executive of Erie County, said that the county would no longer accept migrants after two alleged sexual assaults were committed by them in local shelters.

Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, agreed to stop sending migrants to the region in Erie County, saying that he recognized the immense burden that these individuals are carrying. It’s time for the Democrats to start seeing the light.

He blamed New York City for the situation. He claimed that the city had been following proper protocols and safeguarding the migrants through DocGo, but it seems that these assurances were nothing more than empty promises.

Republican candidate for the county's seat, Chris Casilio, blamed Polondcarz for the situation. She said that he made the decision to put politics ahead of the people's safety. It's refreshing to see politicians who actually care about the people's interests.

The influx of migrants from the southern border has severely affected the social services in New York. Due to the lack of resources, the people who are coming into the country are unable to receive the necessary services. The situation is only going to get worse, as the Title 42 law was set to expire in May, and illegal crossings are expected to increase. It seems that the lack of action by the Biden administration is contributing to the issue.

It's a shame that it took Mark Polondcarz, who is the county's executive, until the allegations of sexual assault were made to realize the consequences of his party's open borders policy. However, it's also possible that he'll start focusing on the people's well-being instead of politics.

Written by Staff Reports

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