
GOP Fights for Kids: Dems Stalling on Trafficking Bill Exposed!

In a stunning turn of events, California Assembly Republicans are taking action to protect children from human trafficking. Despite the refusal of Democrats on the Assembly Public Safety Committee to vote on a bill that would increase penalties for child human trafficking, Republicans are determined to push for a floor vote on the matter. The bill, SB 14, had previously passed unanimously in the California State Senate but found itself stuck in committee due to the Democrats’ lack of support.

It seems that Governor Gavin Newsom, who is eyeing a presidential run as a Democrat, was not pleased with the outcome. He expressed his unhappiness with the committee’s decision and even had a conversation with the bill’s sponsor, Senator Shannon Grove. This prompted Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas to comment on the situation and suggest that the bill should not be overlooked. Clearly, there is mounting pressure to address the issue of child human trafficking in the state.

Activist Denise Aguilar, who has personal experience with gangs and now fights to protect children, has been following the developments closely. She highlights the fact that some Democrats on the Public Safety Committee are proponents of eliminating bail and jail time altogether, believing that the current penalties for human trafficking are sufficient. But as Aguilar points out, the current punishment for child sex trafficking in California is not harsh enough, often resulting in plea bargains and lesser charges for offenders.

It is worth noting that the Democrats who are opposed to this bill hail from Los Angeles County and are strong supporters of District Attorney George Gascon, who has implemented lax policies on crime. This connection raises suspicions about their motives and priorities when it comes to the safety of children. It is clear that partisan politics is at play here, and it is disheartening to see lawmakers prioritize their own political agenda over the well-being of innocent victims.

The need for increased penalties for child human trafficking cannot be emphasized enough. The proposed bill, SB 14, would ensure that those convicted of trafficking minors face more severe consequences and cannot escape early release from prison. It would also eliminate the option for plea bargaining, forcing prosecutors to pursue the highest charges possible. This is a crucial step in deterring would-be traffickers and sending a strong message that California will not tolerate the exploitation of its most vulnerable citizens.

As the California Assembly prepares for a floor vote on this bill, it is imperative that constituents make their voices heard. We must let our Assembly members know that we support SB 14 and expect them to vote in favor of protecting ALL children. This is not a matter of partisan politics; it is about safeguarding our most precious resource – our children. It is time for lawmakers to put aside their ideological differences and prioritize the safety and well-being of the innocent. With our collective effort, we can make a difference and ensure that child human trafficking is met with the full force of the law.

Written by Staff Reports

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