
Harris Unlikely to Save Democrats in 2024 Amid Biden Health Concerns

In the upcoming 2024 presidential election, Democrats are facing a dilemma as Joe Biden’s health declines. Many are questioning if he should step aside and who would replace him, with some suggesting Kamala Harris as a potential stand-in. However, it is highly unlikely that Harris could save the presidency for Democrats.

While Harris has been actively campaigning and meeting with various groups, she lacks popularity and faces approval ratings lower than Biden’s. Comparisons to past scenarios where a vice president stepped in as the presidential candidate, like Hubert Humphrey in 1968, do not bode well for Harris. Humphrey, despite being unpopular, failed to win the election.

It is evident that Harris does not possess the qualities needed to succeed as a presidential candidate. Her lack of political acumen and tendency to make confusing statements make her a weak choice for the Democrats. If they hope to secure a victory in 2024, they need to look beyond Harris and find a candidate with stronger appeal and credibility.

It is clear that Harris is not the solution for Democrats. Her shortcomings would likely result in a failed campaign and a missed opportunity for the party. It is essential for Democrats to assess their options carefully and choose a candidate who can effectively lead the country, rather than settling for someone who lacks the necessary qualities for the job.

Written by Staff Reports

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