
Hunter Biden in Hot Water: Jail Time Looming Over Child Support Drama?

It’s bad news for Joe Biden and his family as Hunter Biden once again makes headlines. According to Hunter, his main concern is about avoiding his responsibilities as a parent and using the name of his father to make money for his family. Moreover, he may be headed to prison.

In Arkansas, Judge Holly Lodge Meyer is handling the case of Hunter's child support. The authorities have asked him numerous times to provide them with financial data, but he has yet to do so. Due to his behavior, Judge Meyer has asked Hunter why he shouldn't be held in contempt.

Who should be responsible for raising Navy Joan Roberts, the daughter of Hunter? His family disinherited the child, but Hunter has shirked his responsibilities as the father. Even though his lawyers can't figure out how to resolve this matter, America and Hunter's relatives can't just let him off the hook.

Hunter has also refused to allow his daughter, Navy Joan, to use his last name. This is apparent since he doesn’t want her to benefit from the name he uses for his family. It's no wonder that the woman who gave birth to Navy Joan, Lunden Roberts, is considering taking punitive measures against Hunter instead of settling her debts.

Lunden may choose between jail time and nothing if Hunter continues to refuse to cooperate. According to Judge Meyer, the ability to pay is a crucial aspect of the contempt case against Hunter. It's clear that he and his team will do everything in their power to avoid paying child support.

Lunden's lawyers claim that Hunter has numerous corruption issues and that the truth will soon come out. They claim that he has been living in luxury while claiming to be financially broke. It's time for him to own up to his responsibilities as a father.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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