
Hunter’s Wild White House Romp: Cocaine, Luxury & Taxpayer Burden

Just days before his plea deal on federal gun and tax charges collapsed, Hunter Biden and his relatives enjoyed a luxurious trip to the White House. This is a far cry from the image of the former child of Joe Biden, who used to be known for his wild and unsavory behavior.

A report claimed that Congressman Duncan Hunter was at the White House for two weeks, and most of the staff members were unaware that he was there. Since keeping secrets is a popular pastime within the administration, most of them had no idea that he was there. During his stay, he managed to make headlines for having cocaine in the West Wing, as well as for attending a state dinner.

Aside from being at the White House, Hunter was also able to visit Camp David twice. It’s very heartwarming to see that the Biden family was enjoying the benefits of their political power, even as Americans were enjoying their Fourth of July barbecues.

It should be noted that the Bidens have an inclination to open their homes to their relatives in need. While it’s admirable that they would do their best to support their loved ones, it’s also worth noting that the taxpayers are footing the bill for the upkeep of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

When it comes to Hunter's legal troubles, most White House aides would rather not discuss it. They believe that their contributions and ideas would be unwelcome. It's a clear indication that they regard Hunter Biden as a liability for his father's political career.

It's no secret that Hunter Biden's legal troubles and criminal past are issues that the White House is concerned about. Despite this, the administration refuses to acknowledge it. It's also naive to think that Americans won't care about his shady activities.

In case you were worried that Joe Biden would let his family get away with some misbehavior, you're not wrong. He reportedly told his aides to refrain from doing anything that could affect Hunter. It's as if he trusts that everyone in the administration will do their best to avoid any negative consequences associated with his son's actions.

One of the most significant events in the Biden family's life was the day Hunter was scheduled to enter his plea agreement. Since the president was able to oversee the case, the press was not allowed to witness any potential embarrassments. It's clear that the Bidens wanted to do whatever it took to protect Hunter.

It's a tragic situation that the Bidens have to face. The Washington Post, which is known for its liberal views, wants the public to feel sorry for Joe Biden due to his son's drug addiction and prostitution. However, it's also important to remember that these actions have consequences. Hunter Biden should be held accountable and subjected to the same scrutiny that other citizens would.

Americans deserve to know more about their leaders' personal lives, even if it involves painting a negative image of the president's family.

Written by Staff Reports

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