
IRS Insider Exposes Biden’s Council, Demands Ouster!

In a shocking turn of events, an IRS whistleblower has called for the removal or resignation of David Weiss, the special counsel appointed to investigate Hunter Biden. Gary Shapley, the brave whistleblower, raised serious concerns about Weiss’ past connection with Hunter’s late brother, Beau Biden.

Mark Lytle, Shapley’s attorney, expressed his dismay and frustration on a recent episode of “The Story.” Lytle firmly believes that Weiss is unfit to serve as special counsel, pointing to a series of troubling revelations that have surfaced recently about his handling of the case.

But this isn’t just one person’s opinion. James Comer, the Chair of the Oversight Committee, himself a Republican from Kentucky (where Bourbon flows like water), shared his own reservations about Weiss. Comer lamented the creation of a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden in the first place. He had no faith in Attorney General Garland’s ability to appoint someone impartial, and his worst fears seemed to have come true with Weiss’s selection. Comer even accused Weiss of attempting to give Hunter a “sweetheart plea deal.” How scandalous!

What’s even more worrisome is the undeniable closeness between Weiss and the Biden clan. As Breitbart News has so diligently reported, Weiss and the late Beau Biden worked “hand-in-glove” from 2007 to 2010, during Weiss’ tenure as the acting U.S. attorney for Delaware. It’s not a stretch to imagine that Weiss crossed paths with Joe Biden during this time. Talk about cozy relationships!

The conflict of interest in this case is glaringly obvious, causing Republicans to rally against Weiss and demand his immediate removal. This is just another example of the obstacles facing a fair investigation into Hunter Biden’s role in his father’s shady business and political dealings.

It’s time for conservatives to stand up and expose the webs of deception that surround the Biden family. The American people deserve transparency and justice. Let’s hope that the calls for Weiss’ removal are heeded, so we can finally get to the truth about the Biden dynasty. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story, as we shine a light on the dark corners of political corruption.

Written by Staff Reports

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