
Jillian Michaels Left California Over Concerns About Children’s Healthcare

In an eye-opening revelation, celebrity fitness guru Jillian Michaels recently shared her reasons for leaving California in 2021. Michaels, known for her diverse family, expressed concerns about the state’s direction in an interview with Sage Steele. She criticized California for its approach to children’s healthcare, particularly regarding gender identity.

Michaels expressed strong opinions about children being given cancer drugs to alter their bodies, stating she would not support such measures for her own children. She made it clear that she values open dialogue with her kids but believes in allowing them to explore without irreversible medical interventions until they are older.

The fitness guru also commended the American College of Pediatricians for urging medical groups to reconsider promoting puberty blockers and gender surgeries for children. Her stance on parenting and healthcare decisions showcases her protective instincts as a mother.

From a conservative perspective, Michaels’ departure from California and her views on family and health align with values of personal responsibility and parental rights. Her criticisms of California’s policies reflect a growing concern among some conservatives about the state’s direction under Governor Gavin Newsom.

Michaels now resides in Florida under Governor Ron DeSantis, a move that resonates with many conservatives who support DeSantis’s governance. Her interview with Steele sheds light on the challenges faced by individuals who feel out of place in a state that may no longer align with their beliefs and values.

Overall, Michaels’ candid statements highlight a larger cultural and political divide in California, where progressive policies clash with traditional values. Her decision to prioritize her family’s well-being and her strong opinions on healthcare reflect a growing sentiment among conservative individuals who seek a balance between personal freedoms and societal norms.

Written by Staff Reports

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