
Kayla Hamilton’s Family Slams Biden Over Freed MS-13 Killer Alien Release

In regard to President Joe Biden's alleged release of an MS-13 gang member into the United States, who is now charged in connection with the tragic murder of Kayla Hamilton, the family of Hamilton is pursuing legal action. This case serves as an additional example of Biden's lax immigration policies, which gives rise to apprehensions regarding the security of the American populace.

Hamilton, age 20, was allegedly subjected to a heinous suffocation and rape in July 2022 at the hands of an unaccompanied alien child (UAC) introduced into the United States interior by an illegal alien MS-13 gang member. In spite of the perpetrator's established gang membership, he was granted entry into the nation, which subsequently resulted in the occurrence of an abhorrent offense.

In the presence of her attorney Brian Claypool, angel mother Tammy Nobles has filed a $100 million wrongful death suit against Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Health and Human Services (HHS) on the grounds of their alleged involvement in this calamity. Nobles expressed dissatisfaction, saying, "Her murderer was apprehended at the border in 2022, and they just allowed him to enter… it's crazy how he ended up… living in the same trailer as my daughter."

Despite this, the quest for justice has been beset by numerous challenges. Claypool disclosed that the Biden administration has obstructed investigations into the illegal alien MS-13 gang member in an effort to obtain information about him. By requesting an audit file, Ohio Representative Jim Jordan (R) has been instrumental in advocating for the Hamilton family; however, cooperation from the government has been scant. It seems that the government is placing the privacy rights of an unauthorized immigrant murderer ahead of the pursuit of justice for an American citizen who is innocent.

This tragic case highlights the inherent perils associated with Biden's immigration policies. Instead of placing the safety of American citizens first, Biden's strategy has enabled the deployment of hundreds of thousands of UACs into the interior of the United States. Biden must immediately recognize the repercussions of his actions and ensure the security of the nation's borders in order to safeguard the American people.

With the emergence of further tragic tales akin to that of Alexander Hamilton, the imperative for immigration policies that place American citizens' safety and security at the forefront becomes more apparent. It is time for Biden to prioritize the interests of the United States over political considerations. Due to a defective immigration system, Kayla Hamilton's life should not have been cut short; therefore, it is critical that we demand improvement.

Written by Staff Reports

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