
Kirby Climbs Ladder in Biden’s Security Shuffle, Eyes 2024 Stage!

The Washington Exaggerator brings you the inside scoop on President Biden’s latest White House shake-up! National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby is making power moves as Sleepy Joe gears up for a 2024 showdown with the one and only Donald J. Trump. That’s right, folks, Kirby, who used to do the Pentagon press thing, is getting a big ol’ promotion from deputy assistant to the president to assistant to the president and White House national security communications adviser. You go, Kirby!

Now, Kirby’s got a fancy new gig coordinating national security communications across all the federal agencies. And get this — he’s even getting his own little team to help him spread the administration’s message far and wide. Ain’t that something? He’s gonna be slinging the security info and fielding questions from the press like a champ in the White House’s James S. Brady Press Briefing Room. Who needs Karine Jean-Whoever when you’ve got Kirby in the house, am I right?

Anita Dunn, a top Biden henchman, had some flattering words to say about Kirby, praising him for steering the national security message ship for the administration. Makes you wonder if ol’ Joe is grooming Kirby for something bigger, huh? The swamp is deep, my friends.

And get this: Kirby’s no stranger to the spotlight. He’s been the Pentagon’s top mouthpiece not once, but twice. Add to that a stint as the State Department’s spokesman, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s mouthpiece, and even the U.S. Navy’s chief talker. This guy’s got more spin than a top!

Despite Jean-Pierre doing her daily song and dance routine for the press, Kirby’s been hogging the limelight, fielding all the tough questions. Word on the street is that this has been ruffling some feathers in Jean-Pierre’s camp, and there’s even some gossip that Kirby’s eyeing that top dog press secretary job. Can you believe that? This guy’s reaching for the stars!

Written by Staff Reports

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