
Lockdown Looms: Dr. Malone Blasts COVID ‘Fear Porn’ in Fiery Plea to Americans!

Dr. Robert Malone, a renowned doctor and expert in his field, is urging Americans to not fall for the media’s “fear porn” when it comes to the potential COVID-19 lockdowns. Despite his credentials and expertise, Malone has faced unfair attacks from the left, who label him as a “spreader of COVID disinformation.” In fact, he was even banned from Twitter for allegedly sharing misinformation about the virus. It’s clear that the left is trying to silence anyone who doesn’t follow their narrative.

In addition to cautioning against the fear-mongering tactics of the media, Malone also pointed out the illegality of the previous COVID lockdowns, emphasizing that they violated individuals’ fundamental freedoms. He argued that there is no evidence to support the need for new restrictions, and therefore there should be no reason to reimpose them.

However, despite these arguments and the lack of new reported cases, some colleges and offices are beginning to reinstate mask mandates and contact tracing. Take, for example, Morris Brown College in Atlanta, which has reinstated these measures as a “precautionary step.” It seems that the left’s love for control is outweighing common sense and the lack of evidence.

Malone highlighted the barrage of fear that we are constantly subjected to, pointing out that we’re made to fear everything from climate change to infectious diseases. But he rightly notes that when we actually examine the risks associated with the new variants, they are pretty insignificant. The chances of being seriously harmed by these variants are extremely low.

It’s clear that the media and the left want to keep us in a constant state of fear, but Malone sees through their tactics. He believes that if the federal government imposes new lockdowns, many states will break away from their policies and prioritize their own economies over fear porn. It’s time for Americans to stand up against these fear tactics and demand the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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