
Minneapolis Pays $150K to Witness of George Floyd Incident Amid Ongoing Debate

The Minneapolis City Council agreed to pay $150,000 to Donald Williams, a man who saw George Floyd die in 2020. Williams, a fighter, said he has post-traumatic stress disorder since witnessing Floyd’s death. He sued the city in 2023, claiming police assaulted him when he tried to help Floyd.

The council approved the settlement without talking about it on Thursday. In Williams’ lawsuit, he said Officer Derek Chauvin looked at him before grabbing pepper spray. Williams called Chauvin a “bum,” and Officer Tou Thao put his hand on Williams’ chest.


Williams said in the lawsuit that he feared for his safety and suffered because of the officers’ actions. Despite Chauvin being found guilty, the situation around Floyd’s death is still controversial.

Floyd’s death led to protests and discussions about police behavior. Many conservatives believe the media and politicians pushed too hard to charge Chauvin and other officers. Some think the situation was used to push a political agenda.

Conservatives argue that police officers have a tough job and need support. They believe most officers follow the rules and work hard to keep communities safe. They think the focus should be on helping all people feel safe and respected.

Written by Staff Reports

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