
Peru Labels Gender Identity Issues as Mental Illnesses, Faces Backlash

The Peruvian government recently made a decision to classify transsexualism, transvestism, and other gender identities as a “mental illness.” This decree, signed by Peruvian President Dina Boluarte, the minister of health, and the minister of the economy on May 10, stated that individuals diagnosed with these conditions would be covered for their “mental health problem” under the country’s Essential Health Insurance Plan.

The decree cited the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization and emphasized that the essential health insurance plan would consider mental health problems related to gender identity as insurable conditions for all insured persons. However, Human Rights Watch argued that the decree uses outdated classifications related to gender identity and sexual orientation. They expressed concerns about the potential for increased violence and discrimination against the LGBT community in Peru as a result of this decision.

Transgender activists in Peru denounced the decree, with some voicing their demands for its repeal. Additionally, a researcher at Lima’s Scientific University of the South warned about the potential for the decree to lead to the practice of “conversion therapy,” especially in a conservative society where the LGBT community has limited rights.

Conservative commentators and social media users also weighed in on the news, highlighting the case of a transgender individual who had sought safety in Peru. The Washington Examiner attempted to reach out to this individual for comment.

In conclusion, the Peruvian government’s decision to classify certain gender identities as “mental illnesses” has sparked controversy and drawn criticism from human rights organizations and transgender activists. The move has also raised concerns about potential discrimination and the practice of “conversion therapy.”

Written by Staff Reports

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