
RFK Jr. Teases 2024 Run, Biden Snoozes on TV, New York AG’s Taxpayer Spree – RedState Recap!

Ramp up your patriotism and grab your morning coffee, folks, because it’s time for a riveting recap through a conservative lens with RedState’s “Morning Minute!” Susie Moore, the Deputy Managing Editor, is here to light up your day with the juiciest headlines that’ll get your blood pumping and your loyalty to America soaring!

First up, the Kennedy clan is stirring the pot with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. hinting at a presidential bid! But hold onto your cowboy hats, folks, because he’s got opinions on who the next Senate GOP leader should be, and it’s sure rattling some Democrat cages. It’s always a hoot when the left starts squirming!


And speaking of left-wing letdowns, sleepy Joe Biden took a beating after his snoozefest interview with Seth Meyers. Even the liberal media couldn’t spin that mess into gold! Maybe next time he’ll bring a teleprompter to a talk show, just to keep things interesting.

But wait, there’s more scandal brewing in the Big Apple! New York AG Letitia James got caught living large on taxpayer dough, splurging on lavish hotel stays like she’s on a taxpayer-funded vacation. It’s high time these swamp creatures start pinching pennies instead of living it up on our dime!

And down in the Swamp, Capitol Hill is buzzing with Mitch McConnell stepping down from Senate leadership. It’s about time we shake up the establishment and get some new blood in there to drain the swamp for good!

And there’s no rest for the wicked in the House, folks! From cybersecurity threats to rare diseases support, they’ve got a full plate of bills to tackle. Let’s hope they remember to put America first and politics second for once!

As for President Biden, well, he’s off to the border for a little show and tell. Nothing like a good ol’ border briefing to make it seem like he’s on top of things! But we all know it’s just political theater to boost his re-election chances.

And in a lighter note, Susie muses about Leap Day birthdays, sharing a heartwarming story about a butler named Charlie Jefferson who lived to be 106. Now that’s the kind of American spirit we need more of – hard work, dedication, and a love for serving others!

So grab your flags, folks, and get ready for a wild ride through the headlines with RedState’s Morning Minute! It’s all about red, white, and true blue patriotism here, where America always comes first, and the truth reigns supreme! Stay tuned for more conservative takes on the news that matter most.

Written by Staff Reports

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