
Shock Reveal: Tlaib Accidentally Nails it on Biden Corruption Saga!

House Republicans, it’s time to step up and take action. Senator Chuck Grassley has released a report that the FBI tried to hide from Congress. This report, known as the FD-1023, reveals the shocking details of the bribery scheme involving Joe and Hunter Biden and their involvement with Burisma Holdings. It’s no secret that the Bidens were paid a hefty sum of $5 million each in 2015-16, but the new details are truly disturbing. According to the report, Burisma’s chief financial officer, Vadim Pojarski, clearly stated that the payments were protection money. The company hired Hunter Biden to keep them out of trouble through his dad’s influence. 

Now, let’s talk about the FBI’s handling of this report. FBI Director Christopher Wray admitted that the agency had information about the scheme but refused to release it until he was threatened with contempt by Congress. It’s clear that the FBI was trying to protect the Bidens. And to make matters worse, we now have more evidence linking the Bidens to Russian intelligence. Mykola Zlochevsky, the co-founder of Burisma Holdings, not only felt coerced by the payments, but he also kept a ledger and recordings of his conversations with the Bidens. This is a bombshell revelation that cannot be ignored. Joe Biden may have indirectly received payment from the Kremlin. This raises serious national security concerns.

The FD-1023 report also provides a detailed account of the meetings and phone calls between the Bidens and Burisma executives. It’s clear that the Bidens were using their influence to benefit Burisma and secure financial gains. And let’s not forget the IRS whistleblower testimony that further implicates the Biden White House and the Department of Justice in protecting Hunter Biden. It’s clear that this administration has abused its power.

House Republicans must take action now. This is not a matter of politics; it’s a matter of accountability. The evidence is overwhelming, and the American people deserve answers. It’s time to hold the Bidens and their enablers accountable for their actions. Impeachment should be on the table. The Squad vowed to impeach Trump, and now it’s time for Republicans to channel that same energy. Let the hearings begin. The truth must come out. The American people deserve nothing less.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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