
Trump Unleashes Fury on Prosecutors: Witch Hunt Exposed!

Former President Donald Trump had some choice words for the prosecutors on his case, and boy, did he let them have it! He targeted New York Attorney General Letitia James and special counsel Jack Smith, claiming they’ve got nothing on him. The nerve of these folks, am I right?

And get this – Mr. Trump is not taking any of their accusations lying down. Oh no, he’s fighting back and turning the tables on them. He’s saying that he had every right to have those documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate. He’s even calling out the so-called “Fake News CNN,” accusing them of being in cahoots with the prosecutors. Can you believe it?

But it doesn’t stop there. Mr. Trump is throwing shade at President Biden too, questioning the papers and boxes found at Biden’s places. He’s making a big fuss about it, claiming it’s all part of a Democrat plot to sabotage his potential 2024 presidential campaign. And you know what? He’s leading the GOP polls, so he must be onto something, right?

Then there’s this civil case in New York, where they’re going after the Trump Organization. Mr. Trump is not having any of it. He’s saying they’ve got nothing on him and his family. He even called the whole thing a “ridiculous Political Witch Hunt.” The nerve of those Democrats, always trying to rain on his parade.

But don’t count Mr. Trump out just yet. He’s got some fight left in him, and he’s ready to take on anyone who dares to challenge him. So, stay tuned, folks. This ride is far from over!

Written by Staff Reports

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