
View Host Praises Biden’s Love as Bribery Scandal Cover-Up!

Ana Navarro, a political commentator and longtime supporter of the Bidens, defended the family on Monday's show of "The View," when it was said that Hunter Biden used his father's position for illegal business deals. Navarro praised Joe Biden's unwavering support for his son and said that he will always put parenting first. He said that the situation was like "a story of a father's love."

Even though Navarro's support for the Bidens may seem good, some critics say she has gone too far, saying she has "drank all the Kool-Aid." But the bigger effects of the Hunter Biden affair are still being looked into.

Whistleblowers said last week that the Department of Justice (DOJ) under the Biden administration tried to stop the probe into Hunter Biden's business dealings. The Defense Council allegedly threatened to "delay, reveal, and deny" the investigation if the DOJ didn't stop repeatedly delaying it without good reason.

Also, Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) said that U.S. Attorney David Weiss of Delaware was not allowed to bring charges against Hunter Biden in 2022 and 2023, even though it looked like Hunter owed taxes on some of his funds. Whistleblowers also said that IRS agents had to deal with ongoing problems on the inside, such as the U.S. Attorney not being independent, unnecessary delays, and pressure or threats from the Defense Council.

Even scarier is the idea that important information about the investigation got to Hunter Biden's lawyers. Investigators from the IRS had a good reason to search a storage unit in Northern Virginia where Hunter Biden had hidden files, and Biden's lawyers were apparently told ahead of time.

These new facts make it harder to believe that the Bidens were involved in shady business deals. While Ana Navarro may see the situation as "a story of a father's love," others may see it as a story of corruption and possible criminal behavior. As long as the study goes on, the truth will come out.

Written by Staff Reports

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Biden Admits Selling State Secrets: Senile Gaffe or Brazen Criminal Cover-up?

Biden Admits Selling State Secrets: Senile Gaffe or Brazen Criminal Cover-up?