
Abbott Opposes Biden Plan to Shift Air Guard to Space Force

Governor Greg Abbott from Texas is standing up against what he calls a “power grab” by President Biden. The President wants to move members of the Air National Guard to the Space Force without getting permission from state governors. Governor Abbott wrote a letter to President Biden, saying that this move would let the Secretary of the Air Force decide to transfer Air National Guard units to the Space Force without asking the governors first.

Abbott believes that this new proposal is not a good idea because it could set a “dangerous precedent” for the future. He thinks that National Guard units, like the ones in Texas, need to always be ready to help with things like natural disasters or threats to the state’s safety. Governor Ron DeSantis from Florida also wrote a letter against this proposal, and so did governors from 48 other states and 5 U.S. territories.

The plan, known as Legislative Proposal 480, would let the Secretary of the Air Force move space responsibilities from the Air National Guard to the U.S. Space Force. It would allow the secretary to change the status of a National Guard unit without needing permission from the governors. This change worries many people, including retired Major Gen. Francis M. McGinn.

It’s important for governors to have a say in how the National Guard units in their states are used. This new proposal could take away some of their power over their state’s defenses. It’s crucial for states to be able to protect themselves without interference from the federal government. Conservatives believe in a strong state government that can act independently when needed, without relying too much on the federal government’s decisions.

Written by Staff Reports

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