
Biden Bungles Anthem, Jeopardizes US-India Ties in Modi Meeting

President Joe Biden’s lack of decorum while attending a ceremony with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi raised eyebrows and sparked debate among political pundits. According to reports, Biden seemed puzzled during the exchange while he fumbled with his hand on his heart during India’s national anthem. This blunder comes at a time when America is trying to strengthen its ties with India, as Modi has been turning towards Russia and China.

While Biden and Modi shared a toast at the state dinner, Biden stumbled over his words as he attempted to convey his message. However, Modi praised Biden for being a “soft-spoken” president, who displays strength through action. Indeed, Biden needs to show more action if he wants to preserve America’s relations with India.

The White House’s statement, that Biden released during Modi’s visit, stated that both countries would work together and lead together. Moreover, the two countries plan to contribute towards a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific. Nonetheless, some protestors raised concerns over human rights violations in India under Prime Minister Modi, which the two leaders quietly ignored.

Sadly, Biden’s careless and confused behavior towards India’s national anthem overshadowed the gathering’s long-planned agenda. This incident not only disrespected India’s national symbol, but it also shows Biden’s lack of interest in foreign relations. Americans need to ask themselves if Biden is truly the strong leader America needs to strengthen its international relationships.

Written by Staff Reports

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