
Biden Busted: Hunter Pulls Joe into Dozens of Biz Calls!

In a bombshell report, it has been revealed that Hunter Biden, son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, put his father on business calls with family associates more than two dozen times. According to Devon Archer, Hunter’s former business partner, who was expected to testify before the House Oversight Committee, Hunter Biden would use the influence of his father by calling him during business meetings. It seems like Hunter had his father on speed dial whenever it benefitted him.

Archer, who has had legal troubles in the past, including defrauding a Native American tribal entity, was set to provide valuable testimony about specific instances involving Burisma Holdings, the Ukraine-based energy company that Hunter Biden and Archer served on the board with. These instances reportedly took place at the Four Seasons Resort Dubai in 2015, where Hunter Biden asked his father to join in on the conversations with Burisma executives. It’s clear that Hunter was using Joe Biden’s position for personal gain.

This news comes as no surprise to conservatives who have been following the Biden family’s business dealings. It’s becoming increasingly evident that Joe Biden played a significant role in his family’s global influence peddling. Tony Bobulinski, an associate of Hunter Biden, has confirmed similar tactics and even witnessed Joe Biden taking calls from Hunter during business meetings. Bobulinski stated that Joe Biden had a key role in the family’s influence peddling, comparing it to a chairman’s role in a traditional business structure. The American people deserve to know the truth about the Bidens’ corrupt business practices.

It’s important for the House Oversight Committee to thoroughly investigate Archer’s claims and the context of these business meetings. The timing of Joe Biden’s demand for the firing of a prosecutor investigating Burisma and the subsequent firing itself raises serious questions. The FBI informant report, which alleges that the Bidens received millions of dollars in bribes, only adds to the mounting evidence of their corruption. The Bidens should be held accountable for their actions, and the American people should demand transparency and integrity from their elected officials. Enough is enough.

Written by Staff Reports

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