
Biden Campaign to Spend $50M on Anti-Trump Ads in Swing States

The Biden campaign is preparing to spend $50 million on advertisements in key battleground states to spotlight former President Donald Trump’s conviction in his New York hush money trial. Describing this as the “central dynamic of the race,” the campaign emphasizes that Biden fights for the public, while Trump only cares about himself. The ad, titled “Character Matters,” aims to remind voters that Trump was criminally convicted last month on 34 felony counts and accuses him of inciting the violence at the Capitol on January 6. The Biden campaign plans to target Black, Latino, and Asian American voters with substantial investments in TV, radio, print, and online advertisements.

Despite the Biden campaign’s strategy, Trump’s fundraising has increased significantly since the jury's verdict, with the Trump campaign and Republican National Committee claiming to have raised $141 million last month. This boost in fundraising comes as polls show a slight tightening in favor of Trump, with an average 3-point lead in Real Clear Politics survey aggregation and a 1-point edge in FiveThirtyEight’s aggregation.

Critics of Joe Biden accuse him of politicizing Trump’s legal troubles, arguing that this strategy carries risks. The Biden campaign’s decision to focus on Trump’s conviction comes at a time when polls have narrowed slightly in Trump’s favor, and his fundraising efforts have gained momentum.

Written by Staff Reports

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