
Biden Flips, Urges Sanctuary Cities to Aid ICE

The Biden administration is shifting gears and asking sanctuary cities to play ball with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to kick out criminal illegal migrants, despite their previous attempts to put a damper on the whole shebang.

Oh boy, oh boy, folks, it looks like President Biden is realizing that you can’t just let the rule breakers run amok in this great land of ours. After scaling back on key enforcement measures put in place by the Trump administration, Joey B. is now singing a different tune and urging sanctuary cities to lend a helping hand to ICE. It’s about time, right?

You see, with a spate of high-profile murders allegedly carried out by illegal aliens, including the tragic case of nursing student Laken Riley, it’s crystal clear that action needs to be taken. But where was Biden during all this? Nope, not a peep from him, and that’s just not cutting it.

Sanctuary cities, places where they turn a blind eye to ICE detainers, are being asked to get on board with notifying ICE before releasing criminal migrants. It’s a simple ask, but one that could make a world of difference in keeping our communities safe.

Sure, the Biden administration has been on a closure spree, shutting down detention facilities left and right since 2021. But hey, better late than never to realize that tough measures are needed to tackle the surge in illegal immigration that’s been happening under their watch.

With a staggering increase in encounters at the southern border, it’s high time for President Biden to put his foot down and take concrete steps to secure our borders. So come on, Joey, let’s make America safe again!

Written by Staff Reports

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