
Biden Praises Sanders Only to Slam most Americans’ Paycheck Predicament!

In a recent interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) made some questionable claims about President Joe Biden’s accomplishments. Sanders started off by saying, “The president has a right to be very proud of many of the accomplishments that we’ve achieved in the last three years—unemployment, very, very low.” While it may be true that unemployment has decreased during Biden’s presidency, it’s important to remember that this decline began under former President Donald Trump. Sanders conveniently forgets to mention that.

But then, in a moment of rare honesty, Sanders admitted, “The reality is that today, 60% of our people are living paycheck-to-paycheck.” This is a stunning admission considering the fact that Biden has been touting his economic successes. It’s clear that while the rich are getting richer, working-class Americans are struggling to make ends meet.

Sanders didn’t stop there with his grievances. He went on to complain about “massive levels of income and wealth inequality” and called the healthcare system a “total disaster.” While it’s true that there are issues with our healthcare system, Sanders fails to acknowledge that it was the Affordable Care Act (ACA) implemented under former President Barack Obama that caused healthcare costs to skyrocket. Biden, as part of the Obama administration, played a role in that disastrous policy.

Overall, Sanders may have tried to give Biden some praise, but his admission about the financial struggles of Americans shows that Biden’s presidency has not been the economic success that he claims. It’s clear that Biden and his allies, like Sanders, are more interested in pushing their socialist agenda than actually helping everyday Americans.

Written by Staff Reports

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