
Biden Prioritizes Transgender Deaths, Ignores Rising Crime Rates!

President Joe Biden expressed his sorrow and outrage on Monday over the deaths of more than two dozen transgender individuals in the United States this year. While the Human Rights Campaign puts the number of victims at 26, there are estimates that suggest the actual count may be over 300. This is a grim reminder that violence against transgender people remains a significant issue in our society.

In a statement on Transgender Day of Remembrance, President Biden emphasized the need to address this issue and ensure the protection of transgender and LGBTQI+ individuals. He pointed out that a large majority of the victims were women of color, highlighting the intersectional nature of this violence. It is crucial that we recognize and address the discrimination and violence faced by transgender individuals, especially those from marginalized communities.

The president also highlighted his administration’s efforts to support the transgender community. This includes lifting the ban on transgender people serving openly in the military, a necessary step towards equality and inclusion. Additionally, the administration launched a program to provide safety resources to the LGBT community, recognizing the unique challenges they face.

However, it is disheartening to see Republican-led states introducing bills that limit transgender rights and access to essential healthcare. Over 100 “anti-trans” bills have been proposed in state legislatures, further marginalizing and endangering transgender individuals. President Biden’s executive order to expand access to transgender care and restrict funding for harmful “conversion therapy” is a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done to ensure equality and protection for all Americans.

It is commendable that President Biden is outspoken against this hate and violence. In a time when the conservative movement must push back against radical ideologies, it is essential to recognize that discrimination and violence have no place in our society. All Americans deserve to live free from discrimination, and it is our duty to fight for that freedom.

Written by Staff Reports

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