
“Biden Scandal Deepens: Inside Hunter’s Million-Dollar Tax Evasion Exposed by IRS Whistleblower”

As the House Ways and Means Committee exposes yet another whistleblower in the Hunter Biden scandal, the truth about his questionable business dealings is finally emerging. The unidentified main IRS case agent disclosed a complex and intricate tax evasion scheme involving Hunter Biden involving millions of dollars.

According to the whistleblower, Hunter avoided paying taxes on the $666,667 he received for little or no labor as a board member of Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma, where his father, Vice President Joe Biden, was in command of Ukraine policy at the time. Instead of disclosing the income and paying taxes on it, Hunter invested the funds in a Chinese company managed by one of his business partners. The associate then "loaned" the funds back to Hunter, enabling him to avoid paying taxes.

Hunter had devised this scheme as part of a larger scheme to avoid paying taxes by receiving money through his friend's corporation and having his friend pay him back half the money as loans. The whistleblower described a situation in which a Porsche purchased for Hunter's benefit was not taxed, resulting in a substantial tax liability.

Worse, Hunter's Hollywood attorney associate Kevin Morris paid off the $2.2 million in back taxes owed to the IRS by Hunter for the years 2014 through 2019. Hunter's 2020 tax returns included a note indicating that he received financial support from Morris, treated as a loan with 5% interest to be repaid between 2025 and 2027, but the whistleblower maintained that Hunter violated tax laws repeatedly in the 2010s.

Regardless of the payments, the whistleblower emphasized that the fact that Hunter's new acquaintance bailed him out with no repayments required until 2025 does not mean he did not violate tax laws. It appears that Hunter was more concerned with concealing his tax evasion schemes than paying his due share.

Overall, this most recent revelation sheds light on the corrupt and unlawful activities in which the Biden family has apparently engaged for years. We can only hope that justice will prevail in this case and that these politicians will be held accountable for their actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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