
Bidenomics Fails: 58% Say Economy Worse, Ex-Supporters Turn on Joe

Americans are feeling the sting of President Joe Biden’s economic policies, and they’re not afraid to express their disappointment. A recent poll conducted by CNN revealed that a whopping 58% of Americans believe that Biden’s policies are actually making the economy worse. Ouch! It seems like Uncle Joe might need to take a little break from his “Bidenomics” campaign because, let’s face it, it’s not doing him any favors.

Even some of Biden’s closest allies are urging him to drop the term “Bidenomics” like a hot potato. Nevada Democratic Rep. Steven Horsford, who serves as chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, expressed his frustration with the campaign. He stressed the importance of framing the economic situation in a way that resonates with the American people, rather than focusing on the presidency. Now, I’m no expert, but maybe if Biden actually had some solid economic policies, he wouldn’t have to rely on catchy campaign slogans.

But it doesn’t stop there. Michael LaRosa, a former spokesperson for first lady Jill Biden, joined the chorus of critics. He questioned why the economy would be branded with Biden’s name when it hasn’t fully recovered yet. Well, LaRosa, that’s a great question! You see, the Biden administration has a knack for making a lot of noise about how great the economy is doing, but Americans aren’t buying it. They want to see real results in their bank accounts, not just empty promises.

Florida Democratic Rep. Maxwell Frost echoed the sentiments of Horsford and LaRosa, emphasizing that there’s a difference between something actually working and just talking a big game. The Biden administration needs to make people feel like they’re part of the fight, not just passive observers. Sorry, Uncle Joe, but speeches and empty slogans won’t cut it.

Even some former Biden supporters are starting to jump ship. Tone Woods, an African American worker from Michigan who voted for Biden in 2020, confessed that he’s unsure about who to support in the next election. He cited high gas prices and inflation as reasons for his wavering loyalty. But then, in a shocking twist, Woods admitted that the economy was actually better under former President Donald Trump. Wow, it takes guts to admit you might have been wrong, especially when it comes to politics.

All in all, it’s clear that Biden’s economic record is failing to impress Americans. From allies urging him to drop the “Bidenomics” façade to former supporters admitting that the economy was better under Trump, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for Biden to ignore the reality. Maybe it’s time for him to put aside catchy slogans and start focusing on implementing policies that actually benefit the American people. Just a thought, Uncle Joe, just a thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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