
Biden’s 2024 Fundraising Flops: DeSantis & Trump Outshine Struggling Dems!

President Joe Biden's 2024 campaign fundraising efforts are facing significant challenges, as donors are showing little enthusiasm for supporting the Democratic candidate. A recent report from Politico reveals that this lack of support is causing anxiety and concern among Biden's supporters.

Biden had set a lofty goal of raising $2 billion for his entire campaign cycle, but ticket sales for his campaign events have been underwhelming so far. In fact, in order to entice some supporters to attend, a fundraiser had to offer "limited Reduced Price Tickets." The situation is even worse in California, where two individuals organizing fundraising events received responses from only a few people.

Even Jill Biden, the President's wife, struggled to generate excitement for her husband's campaign when attempting to sell tickets at an event in Nashville. They had to lower the ticket prices just to make any sales, which is not a positive indicator for the President's chances.

The article highlights Biden's historical difficulty with fundraising, as he faced similar challenges during his previous presidential bids. In contrast, Governor Ron DeSantis from Florida, a 2024 GOP contender, managed to raise an impressive $8.2 million within just 24 hours of announcing his White House run. Furthermore, he collected nearly $1 million within a single hour of declaring his candidacy.

Former President Trump, known for his successful fundraising efforts, also remains a force in this area. He received over 541,971 contributions and raised a staggering $18.8 million in the first quarter of 2023. DeSantis and Trump are clearly drawing large crowds of supporters to their events and rallies, while Biden struggles to fill even a small auditorium.

Biden's fundraising woes align with his approval ratings, which have been consistently low. An Economist/YouGov poll indicates that Biden's top Democratic opponent, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., enjoys 54 percent support compared to the 80-year-old President. Furthermore, the poll reveals that the Democratic candidate surpasses Biden in terms of favorability. These findings suggest that it may be time for President Biden to confront the harsh reality that his campaign is in serious trouble, and the Democratic Party may need to explore alternative options for a viable candidate in 2024.

Written by Staff Reports

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