
Biden’s Approval Tanks, GOP Dominates: Dems Face Brutal Reality Check

President Joe Biden’s approval rating is taking a nose-dive, and the liberal media can’t hide it. Even MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was left flabbergasted on Friday’s episode of Morning Joe when he learned just how bad Biden’s polling numbers are.

Referring to a recent Gallup poll, Scarborough reluctantly admitted that Republicans are leading the charge on several key issues. Ouch! It must sting to see your own party falling behind.

Apparently, nearly 60 percent of Democrats have an unfavorable view of their own party. Talk about a lack of confidence! Meanwhile, 56 percent of respondents feel the same about the Republican Party. So the Democrats may be winning in unpopularity, but at least they have company.

But here’s where it gets even worse for the Left. A majority of Americans believe that the Republican Party is more equipped to save and protect our democracy in the coming years. Sorry, Democrats, but it looks like the GOP has the upper hand.

And when it comes to national security, the Democrats might as well throw in the towel. A whopping 57 percent of Americans trust the Republican Party to protect us from international terrorism and military threats. The Democrats, on the other hand, only managed to garner a measly 35 percent of trust. That’s a landslide victory for the GOP, folks.

Of course, Scarborough couldn’t help but take some cheap shots at former President Trump. He suggested that the Republican Party should distance itself from Trump since they’re already winning on the issues. Nice try, Scarborough, but it’s clear that Trump is still a force to be reckoned with.

In fact, polls show that Trump is the reason the Republican Party is dominating the polls. Despite facing political targeting and ongoing legal battles, Trump continues to hold a significant lead over Biden and his fellow Republicans. The people want Trump back in the White House, plain and simple.

Biden’s failed policies and weak leadership have taken a toll on his approval ratings. It’s no wonder the American people are losing faith in him. And while the liberal media may try to spin the narrative, the truth is impossible to hide. The Republicans are leading the way, and it’s time for the Democrats to face the music.


Written by Staff Reports

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