
Biden’s Border Policy Under Fire as Ecuadorian Migrant Accused of Horrific Crime in NYC

A refugee from Ecuador who was allowed entry into the country due to President Joe Biden's lenient immigration laws is currently facing charges for a horrific offense. In broad daylight, in the sanctuary city of New York City, a 25-year-old immigrant named Christian Inga is accused of raping a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint.

When Inga first arrived at the border between the United States and Mexico in Eagle Pass, Texas, in June 2021, that is when his trip to commit this heinous murder started. This week, he is being held by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) on allegations that include rape, sexual assault, robbery, and kidnapping. Along with unlawful confinement, menacing, and criminal possession of a firearm are among the other charges levied against him.

Inga approached two 13-year-old girls as they were leaving school in East Flushing, Queens, close to Kissena Park, according to the NYPD. With a machete knife in hand, he forced them into a forest, where he raped one of the girls and tied them up. He took their cell phones after conducting the horrifying crime, gave them a 20-minute warning not to leave, and then fled the scene.

In a startling admission, Inga told investigators he had a drug problem and that this was the first time he had ever behaved so viciously. He has, nevertheless, before into afoul of the law. A previous police involvement for a domestic violence event and summonses for other violations are examples of past incidents.

Inga's story highlights the risks associated with sanctuary city policies and unfettered immigration, while he waits to be charged in NYPD custody. It is imperative that political expediency not jeopardize the safety and security of American communities. Accountability and strict measures are needed to prevent such tragedies from taking innocent lives.

Written by Staff Reports

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