
Biden’s Bunch Blocks Hunter’s IRS Probe: Whistleblower Drops Bombshell!

Gary Shapley, an IRS whistleblower, has provided new testimony affirming that the investigation into Hunter Biden was obstructed and impeded by individuals appointed by Joe Biden. Initially, the prosecutors had intended to charge Hunter Biden with multiple tax violations dating back to 2014. However, the charges were reduced to two counts in 2017 and 2018, which likely saved Hunter from serving time in prison.

According to the whistleblower, federal prosecutors twice prevented search warrants from being issued to gather evidence from Hunter Biden, including a storage locker containing corporate documents, as well as Joe Biden's residence in Delaware, where Hunter was living. Shapley recalls an assistant U.S. Attorney rejecting the warrant for Joe Biden's house, citing concerns about the public perception of conducting a search warrant at Hunter Biden's residence or the guest house of President Biden. Additionally, instead of granting the agents a search warrant for the storage locker where Hunter stored documents, the prosecutors informed Biden's legal team. Shapley found this denial unprecedented in his years as an IRS agent.

Furthermore, Shapley confirmed that prosecutors possessed evidence indicating that Joe Biden had met with officials from his son's Chinese energy client, CEFC. This information came from an interview conducted by the FBI with Rob Walker, a family associate. Walker allegedly recounted a meeting at the Four Seasons where Joe Biden briefly greeted everyone, expressing Hunter's interest in potentially starting a company with the individuals present.

Shapley's testimony also verified that the Department of Justice allowed the statute of limitations to expire on alleged tax crimes involving hundreds of thousands of dollars in undeclared income. The IRS criminal investigation team was unaware that the FBI had retrieved emails from Hunter's laptop, revealing his awareness of failing to pay taxes on at least $400,000 in income from Burisma in 2014.

The interference in the investigation by Joe Biden's appointees highlights the potential for justice to be swayed in favor of wealthy and politically influential individuals. The truth deserves to be known by the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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