
FCC Revives Obama-Era Net Neutrality Rules, Thwarts Trump’s Internet Freedom Efforts

In a not-so-shocking turn of events, the Democrat majority at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) once again voted to bring back the burdensome Obama-era net neutrality rules. This move was a slap in the face to President Trump’s efforts to free the internet from government overreach. The leftists, as always, are thirsty for more regulatory power over the internet and seem to be using Title II regulations as their weapon of choice.

Essentially, net neutrality rules aim to stop internet service providers (ISPs) like Comcast and Verizon from blocking, slowing down, or allowing for “paid prioritization,” where users pay for faster service. But let’s be real, the internet didn’t stop working when the FCC repealed these rules under Trump. In fact, broadband speeds across the country actually improved! So much for all the doomsday predictions from the left.

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr made it clear that net neutrality is just an unlawful power grab by the administrative state. He also pointed out the hypocrisy of the left advocating for regulations on service providers while turning a blind eye to the big tech companies like Google, YouTube, and Twitter that actually suppress online discourse. It’s a classic case of selective outrage.

And speaking of big tech, while net neutrality aims to prevent ISPs from blocking or throttling websites, it’s worth noting that Google blocked some news outlets in California during a legal dispute. This raises serious questions about whether it’s actually the ISPs or the big tech platforms that are the real threat to free expression on the internet.

Carr also highlighted the significant improvements in internet speeds and lower prices that America enjoyed without net neutrality. Internet speeds have skyrocketed, and prices have dropped since the repeal of these unnecessary regulations. So, bringing them back is not just a step backward, but a direct assault on the progress that has been made.

In response to the FCC’s decision, FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon called out the left’s fearmongering tactics and highlighted the vital role that ISPs played in handling the increased internet traffic during the pandemic. He pointed out the lack of incentive for ISPs to discriminate when it comes to content, emphasizing that the leftist agenda to restore net neutrality is more about government control than fairness.

Americans for Prosperity senior policy analyst James Czerniawski chimed in, labeling the FCC’s move as a “net loss” for Americans. He slammed net neutrality as “Bidenomics for the web” and condemned the costly government takeover of the internet that would stifle innovation and limit consumer choice. Czerniawski also stressed the need for the FCC to focus on restoring its spectrum authority and bridging the digital divide instead of resurrecting a partisan scheme that only makes the internet worse.

Yhe left’s push for net neutrality is just another ploy to seize more control and limit free market innovation. The FCC’s decision to restore these regulations is a blow to progress and a disservice to the American people. 

Written by Staff Reports

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