
GOP Nightmare: Dems Hatch Plan to Hijack Speaker’s Gavel!

House Democrats are scheming to come to the rescue of House Speaker Mike Johnson, a move that spells trouble for his leadership. Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries thinks some Democrats might back Johnson in a vote to oust him, which has Republicans fuming.

They fear that if Democrats swoop in to save Johnson, he’ll become a puppet of the “uniparty.” Republicans are panicking at the thought of losing their House majority in the next election and worry Johnson will be ousted if that happens. Even though no Republicans are currently supporting the motion to remove Johnson from the speakership, firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is stepping up her attacks.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, she accused Johnson of being a “Democrat speaker,” a claim that could gain traction if Democrats intervene to protect him.

Written by Staff Reports

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