
ICE Cracks Down in MD: Sanctuary Policies No More!

In a groundbreaking operation, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) finally took action in Montgomery County, Maryland, following the county’s decision to ditch its sanctuary policies. It’s about time! These sanctuary policies just encourage lawlessness and put American citizens at risk. Cooperation with ICE shouldn’t be optional – it should be mandatory to keep our communities safe.

The Montgomery County executives came to their senses on February 27 and decided to start working hand in hand with ICE. About time! And the results were immediate – on March 11, ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) division wasted no time detaining two foreign nationals with criminal records. These criminals were charged with sexually abusing innocent Maryland minors. Disgusting! Sanctuary policies should never protect predators like them.

One of the detainees was a 44-year-old from Honduras, the other a 33-year-old from El Salvador, both illegal immigrants who committed heinous crimes on American soil. These criminals have no place in our country, and it’s about time someone took action to remove them. ICE Baltimore Field Office Director Darius Reeves hit the nail on the head when he said these offenders should not be roaming the streets of Montgomery County. Absolutely right!

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ memo from September 30, 2021, about narrowing immigration enforcement priorities to focus on national security and public safety is a step in the right direction, but it doesn’t mean dangerous criminals should get a free pass. We can’t let political correctness jeopardize the safety of our communities. ICE’s targeted enforcement efforts are crucial to keeping America safe from these criminals.

It’s time to put the safety of American citizens first. Kudos to ICE for taking action in Montgomery County, and let’s hope this sets a precedent for other jurisdictions to prioritize public safety over misguided sanctuary policies. Let’s support our law enforcement agencies in their fight to keep our communities safe from criminals who have no right to be in our country in the first place.

Written by Staff Reports

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