
Jon Meacham Claims Biden Re-election Equals Patriotism on HBO

This week’s episode of Liberal Media Scream features Jon Meacham, a former editor of Newsweek, and current liberal journalist turned “historian” and biographer. Meacham, who probably sips his coffee with his pinky out, spouted off some elitist nonsense on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, claiming that true patriotism means reelecting President Joe Biden over former President Donald Trump. In his smug, holier-than-thou tone, Meacham stated that “Patriotism is allegiance to an idea. It’s not just an allegiance to your own kind. That’s nationalism. Trump is a nationalist. President Biden is a patriot.”

Meacham then took a shot at his home state of Tennessee, basically implying that anyone who disagrees with him is some uneducated rube. How charming. He went on to declare that he doesn’t really care about specific issues or policies, but instead just wants the constitutional order to continue. And of course, in his mind, President Biden is the only one who can save us from the constitutional apocalypse that Trump would apparently bring about.

Brent Baker from the Media Research Center summed it up perfectly, calling out Meacham for his condescension and elitism. Meacham basically said, “I’ve decided who’s best for America, and if you don’t agree with me, you’re not a patriot and you’re ruining the country.” How’s that for a slice of humble pie? Maybe Meacham should take a step down from his high horse and actually listen to the people he’s denouncing before he lectures them from his ivory tower.

So, congratulations to Jon Meacham for earning a five out of five screams on the Liberal Media Scream scale. If only there was an award for being out of touch, he’d probably win that too! Keep your ears open for the next episode of Liberal Media Scream, where we’ll undoubtedly hear more pearls of wisdom from our favorite elitist “historian.”

Written by Staff Reports

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