
Lara Trump Unveils GOP’s Secret Weapon for 2024 Victory

The recently elected Republican National Committee (RNC) Co-chair, Lara Trump, made a big announcement on the popular conservative show hosted by Benny Johnson – a real powerhouse in the conservative media world, folks! Lara spills the beans that the party is bringing on board none other than the conservative influencer sensation, Scott Presler. And what’s his role? Oh, you’re gonna love this – he’s going to lead the charge in legal ballot chasing operations. Can you believe it?

Now, we all know what a rollercoaster the 2020 election was, *sigh*. Many Republicans were not happy about some of those rule changes that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic and felt like they got the short end of the stick. Johnson grilled Lara Trump about what the RNC is planning to do to restore faith in our election system before the next big showdown in November. Lara spills the tea about embracing legal ballot harvesting – something the party hasn’t tackled before. Buckle up, folks, it’s gonna get wild!

And Scott Presler, the man, the myth, the conservative legend. He’s the brains behind “Early Vote Action” – a group all about getting those Republican early voters out there. They’re focusing their efforts on key swing states like Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Oh, those battleground states, always keeping us on our toes!

In response to Lara Trump’s bombshell announcement on Johnson’s show, Scott Presler tweeted his excitement and eagerness to get to work. He’s rallying the troops and getting folks fired up to save this great country we all love. From gun shows to farmers markets, they’re setting up voter registration drives everywhere. You go, Scott, show ’em how it’s done!

Trump didn’t stop there, though. She laid out the RNC’s game plan for the 2024 election – buckle up, folks, ’cause it’s gonna be a bumpy ride. With 78 lawsuits already in the works and plans to beef up their legal team, they are not messing around. The RNC is teaming up with the NRCC and the NRSC to tackle election integrity head-on, even in the face of some pesky swing states sticking to their guns with ballot drop-boxes and early voting.

It’s clear as day that the RNC means business when it comes to election integrity, folks. The Democrats might have thrown a few curveballs during COVID, but the Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to set things right. Swing states, watch out – the conservatives are coming for ya!

Written by Staff Reports

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RNC’s Bold Play: Ballot Chasing with Scott Presler!

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