
Left Attacks New Speaker for Christian Values & Porn Block App – Loses Touch with America

Since Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), the newly elected Speaker of the House, has taken office, the left has wasted no time in launching their attacks. It seems that the mere fact that Johnson is a devout Christian is enough to send them into a frenzy. His faith, which guides his positions on important issues such as abortion, LGBTQ rights, and gender, has pushed all the right buttons for the left. The media and liberal figures simply can’t wrap their heads around the idea that Christians can actually live out their faith and hold steadfast to their beliefs.

They even tried to mock former VP Mike Pence for refusing to have dinner alone with a woman who is not his wife. But little did they know, a survey conducted by The New York Times revealed that the majority of Americans actually agree with Pence’s stance. It’s clear that the left is out of touch with mainstream values.

Now, their latest attempt to tarnish Johnson’s image comes in the form of attacking him for trying to protect his son from the damaging effects of pornography. Johnson openly shared that he and his son use a software program called Covenant Eyes to hold each other accountable for the content they view online. As any responsible parent would, he is taking steps to ensure his son’s well-being in a digital age filled with harmful material.

But, of course, Rolling Stone couldn’t resist taking a swing at Johnson. In a misleading piece titled “Mike Johnson Admits He and His Son Monitor Each Other’s Porn Intake in Resurfaced Video,” they accuse him of being “creepy” and raise concerns about his devices being “compromised” by the app. The article further attacks him as a “faith-obsessed, election-denying, far-right Christian nationalist.” Typical liberal rhetoric, trying to shame a man for prioritizing his family’s values and well-being.

It’s no surprise that users of the publication saw through this biased attack and quickly voiced their outrage. It’s truly sad to see the lengths the left will go to demonize a man like Mike Johnson, simply because he has the audacity to live out his Christian beliefs and protect his family from harmful influences.

Once again, the left has shown their true colors. They claim to champion tolerance and diversity, but when it comes to Christians who dare to faithfully live out their beliefs, they are quick to mock, ridicule, and shame. It’s a sad state of affairs when protecting one’s family from the dangers of pornography is seen as controversial instead of commendable.

In the end, Mike Johnson stands strong in his convictions, unwavering in his commitment to his faith, and determined to protect his loved ones. And for that, he should be applauded, not attacked. It’s time for the left to realize that faith and family values are not something to be ridiculed, but rather, respected and celebrated.

Written by Staff Reports

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