
Leftists College Students Outraged Again After Republican Speaker Announced

Once again, the woke insanity of students and faculty has been put on display, this time at George Mason University. Despite pushback from Democrats on campus, the administration has remained firm in their decision to select Virginia Governor, Glenn Youngkin, as the commencement speaker. Though it should come as no surprise that the leftist students would have preferred to have someone from their own political party give the address, Youngkin is the governor of Virginia, where the university is located.

Sadly, this is just another example of how the left refuses to accept diversity of speech, expression, and politics. The most diverse public university in Virginia should know better than to cancel a speech from a Republican governor just because some of their students don’t agree with his policies. Instead, they should take advantage of the opportunity to engage in healthy debate, which is what universities are supposed to be all about.

It is important for students to learn how to respectfully disagree with someone and to consider other points of view. We cannot prepare them for the future if we shield them from ideas that might challenge them. This type of discourse is crucial for students to develop the skills they need to be effective in society.

Youngkin’s inclusion as a commencement speaker is also a reflection of the type of leadership that we need in this country. His commitment to making Virginia the best state to live, work, and raise a family is something that all Americans can aspire to. With chatter about a potential run for president in 2024, it is clear that Youngkin has what it takes to lead our nation.

The disruptive students at George Mason University should take a page out of Youngkin’s book and focus on delivering on promises rather than throwing tantrums. It is disrespectful to their fellow graduates to ruin the ceremony with their protests. And it won’t achieve their desired result of silencing opposing viewpoints.

We applaud Governor Youngkin for looking forward to addressing the 2023 graduates of George Mason University and for his commitment to doing the best job he can as governor of Virginia. He already overperformed in heavily populated Democratic areas during his 2021 victory, proving that he has what it takes to unite people of different political backgrounds. We should all strive to follow his example and look for ways that we can come together rather than focusing on our differences.

Written by Staff Reports

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