
NBC’s Olympics Coverage Criticized for Using AI Al Michaels

In a move that has left many scratching their heads, NBCUniversal has announced its plan to use an artificial intelligence-generated version of broadcasting legend Al Michaels for its daily Olympics recaps on the Peacock streaming service. Yes, you read that right – not the real Al Michaels, but a computer-generated version of his voice narrating the highlights.

While NBC touts this as a personalized experience for subscribers, one can’t help but wonder who exactly asked for this? With the technology recreating Michaels’ voice from past appearances on NBC, it seems like a cost-effective move for the network, allowing the real Michaels to sit back while the AI version does the work.

But is this really a win for viewers? To access these AI recaps, one must be a Peacock subscriber, which may not be appealing to everyone. And let’s not forget the potential for glitches in the AI system – who knows what kind of issues could arise during the broadcasts.

The debate over using AI to replicate someone’s voice for content creation is ongoing, but one thing is for sure: this move by NBC certainly raises eyebrows. While some may see it as a unique experiment, others might view it as the Olympics jumping the shark once again.

The Olympics have always been a mixed bag for many, with moments of joy and frustration intertwined. The addition and removal of sports by the International Olympic Committee often leave fans puzzled, with new additions like 3-on-3 basketball and breakdancing raising more than a few eyebrows.

In the end, only time will tell if AI Al Michaels is a hit or miss for NBC. Let the games begin, and may the best technology win.

Written by Staff Reports

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