
Polls Plunge: Zero Love for Biden & Harris! America’s Verdict is In!

Nobody wants Joe Biden. Nobody likes Kamala Harris. These are the cold, hard facts that the Democratic Party is facing as we approach the 2024 election. Joe Biden’s presidency has been plagued with controversy and missteps, and it’s finally catching up to him. A new Reuters/Ipsos poll confirms what many conservatives have been saying for months – Biden’s chances of re-election are slim.

The poll shows that Biden’s age, the economy, and crime are all major concerns for voters. And who could blame them? The economy is on the brink of a recession, crime rates are skyrocketing in cities across the country, and Biden seems to be doing nothing about it. It’s no wonder his approval ratings on these issues are abysmal. The American people are fed up with his lack of action and leadership.

But it’s not just Biden who is in trouble. Kamala Harris, his vice president, is also facing terrible polling and optics. Even high-profile Democrats like Nancy Pelosi won’t endorse her as the best person for the job. That’s got to sting. And let’s not forget that Harris’s own presidential run in 2020 was a massive failure. The American people have made it clear that they do not want her as their leader.

So, what does this mean for the Democrats in 2024? Well, it’s not looking good. Trump is still the front-runner for the Republican nomination, and if the polling stands up, he could very well be their best hope for retaining power. But nothing is guaranteed in politics, and the Democrats know that. Behind closed doors, they must be panicking. And who can blame them? Their best-case scenario is tying Trump in a general election, but their worst-case scenario is running against any other candidate, all of whom consistently beat Biden in head-to-head match-ups.

The Democrats have a tough road ahead of them. They need to find a way to salvage Biden’s presidency and improve their chances in 2024. But with an unpopular president and an equally unpopular vice president, it’s not looking good for them. As a conservative, I can’t help but relish in their struggles. The American people deserve better than Biden and Harris. It’s time for a change.

Written by Staff Reports

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