
Report: Baby Formula Stock Rates Won’t Improve for Months

Despite the fact that White House officials had promised to bring in enough for around 40 million 8-ounce bottles of formula, CNN reported on Tuesday that stock rates for formula continued to decline.

According to a report that was published by Breitbart News on June 4, this month, Vice President Joe Biden stated that he was unaware of the scarcity of infant formula until several months after a manufacturing plant had shuttered, which caused the shortage.

Finally, the Department of Health and Human Services conducted an investigation into how the Food and Drug Administration handled the shutdown.

In addition, the news source mentioned that "Biden has been trying to fix the formula shortage by seeking foreign suppliers." as well as "A bacterial infection found at the Abbott plant in Michigan also led to the deaths of two infants."
"that people are likely stockpiling formula, potentially exacerbating the scarcity," states the report from CNN.

The experts pointed out that the number of infant formula sales were typically stable.

On the eve of the midterm elections, Breitbart News reported that households in the United States were having trouble making ends meet as a result of soaring gas costs and the highest inflation rate in the previous 41 years.

"that consumers are likely stockpiling formula, potentially perpetuating the shortage.” reported by CNN.

As the crisis in the infant formula industry continued on May 31, a source disclosed that human milk banks all around the country were reporting an increase in demand as well as donations as a result of the situation.

"Along with the heightened demand is an increase in mothers looking to supply breastmilk to meet the need," says a website source

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Breit Bart.

Written by Staff Reports

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