
Scoop: 4.5 Million GOP Voters Need a Wake-Up Call in Key Battleground States!

Turning Point Action, the political arm of Turning Point USA, has found 4.5 million “disengaged” Republican voters in key battleground states. This discovery could be the key to swinging the results of the 2024 presidential election, according to Charlie Kirk, the leader of Turning Point. Kirk believes that the election will come down to three states: Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin. He also believes that Trump will win Iowa, Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida without even campaigning there. But Kirk is concerned about Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, as they could be potential weak points for the Republican Party.

Turning Point Action has provided data to back up their claims, showing that in the ten battleground states of Florida, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, Arizona, North Carolina, and Nevada, there are over 4.5 million disengaged GOP voters who did not vote in either the 2016 or 2020 elections. In Pennsylvania alone, the number of disengaged GOP voters was over seven times the margin between Trump and Biden. Similar disparities were found in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia.

To address this issue, Turning Point Action is implementing a “ballot chasing” program in Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia. This program aims to get these disengaged voters to cast their ballots. However, Kirk made it clear that they will not engage in illegal ballot harvesting, as he believes in following the law unlike “the bad guys.”

This discovery by Turning Point Action could be a game-changer for the Republican Party in the upcoming election. By targeting these disengaged voters, they have the potential to sway the results in their favor. It will be interesting to see how successful their efforts will be and if these disengaged voters can be mobilized in time.v

Written by Staff Reports

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