
Supreme Court Abandons Free Speech, Green-Lights Liberal Indoctrination!

Washington State’s ban on “conversion therapy” for minors remains intact, thanks to the Supreme Court’s decision not to take up the challenge on Monday. The law, known as SB 5722, is yet another example of the left’s relentless effort to meddle in the lives of everyday Americans.

The High Court’s decision revealed a clear division, with Justice Brett Kavanaugh being the lone voice in favor of hearing the case, while conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito penned separate dissents. The law, which was enacted in 2018, now carries the ominous threat of stripping therapists of their licenses for providing care that conflicts with the state-approved message of encouraging gender exploration.

The definition of “conversion therapy” under this law is shamelessly broad, encompassing efforts to alter behaviors, gender expressions, or even feelings towards individuals of the same sex. This liberal overreach is unapologetically sweeping and unequivocally authoritarian.

Democrats, along with the Biden administration, have taken it upon themselves to expand the definition of “conversion therapy” to encompass gender identity. This maneuver reflects a broader agenda to suppress dissenting opinions and muzzle those who dare to question the left’s narrative.

In 2021, Brian Tingley, a seasoned marriage and family counselor, bravely filed a lawsuit against Washington, asserting that the law infringes upon his First Amendment right to engage in open discourse when counseling minors on sexual orientation and gender identity. His legal battle reached the Supreme Court after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit callously dismissed his claims, insisting that SB 5722 poses no threat to free speech.

Justice Alito rightly pointed out the dubious legal reasoning behind the Ninth Circuit’s ruling and emphasized the national significance of the case. The pervasiveness of laws restricting “conversion therapy” across 20 states and the District of Columbia underscores the urgency of addressing this constitutional conundrum. Indeed, fending off the incessant encroachments on free speech demands a concerted and steadfast approach.

The Supreme Court’s refusal to intervene in this matter is deeply disappointing for those who value individual freedoms and the sanctity of free speech. The left’s relentless crusade to stifle dissent and impose their ideological straitjacket upon the American people must be met with unwavering resistance. As conservatives rally behind the cause of defending free speech, the battle to shield the fundamental rights of all Americans marches on.

Katherine Hamilton’s incisive reporting provides a much-needed glimpse into the latest developments on this troubling issue. As the fight for free speech continues, conservatives will undoubtedly keep a close eye on how this issue unfolds. With the courageous efforts of individuals like Brian Tingley, there remains hope that the tide of oppressive overreach can be turned back in favor of liberty and free expression.

Written by Staff Reports

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