
TikTok Ban Stifles Feds Battling Cartel Drug Dangers!

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is facing a major roadblock in their efforts to warn TikTok users about the dangerous fentanyl-laced drugs being peddled on the app. A ban on government employees using TikTok, enacted at the end of 2022, is hindering the office’s ability to reach the app’s users with crucial information.

The ban has made it more crucial than ever for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to collaborate with the National Crime Prevention Council, a nonprofit organization, to spread the word about the dangers of fake drugs on TikTok. The NCPC’s Executive Director, Paul DelPonte, emphasized the importance of using TikTok to educate young people about the perils of counterfeit drugs, despite the app’s other issues.

The issue at hand is the conversion of social media platforms like Snapchat and TikTok into a marketplace for Mexican cartel-made fentanyl. This deadly trend poses a serious threat to the safety of American youth, making it imperative for government agencies to take action to protect them.

The partnership between the NCPC and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, initiated in 2019, has evolved to focus more on the dangerous fake drugs being smuggled into the United States from south of the border. With fentanyl now being the leading cause of death in young adults, surpassing even car crashes, heart attacks, and suicide, the urgency to tackle this issue head-on cannot be overstated.

The National Crime Prevention Council is gearing up to launch a new public advertisement that will shine a spotlight on the sale of fentanyl online. However, their efforts are being stymied by social media companies’ refusal to share crucial data that could demonstrate the effectiveness of their campaigns in deterring drug purchases on their platforms.

In light of these challenges, the call for social media companies to provide audited data on illegal activities like drug sales is gaining momentum. The National Crime Prevention Council is throwing its support behind legislation that would compel social media platforms to report such data, potentially providing valuable insight into the impact of their ad campaigns.

It is evident that the ban on government employees using TikTok has created a significant hurdle in the fight against the deadly fentanyl trade on social media. As the National Crime Prevention Council and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office forge ahead in their efforts to safeguard young people from the perils of counterfeit drugs, the need for cooperation from social media companies is more pressing than ever.

Written by Staff Reports

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