
Trump, DeSantis Crush 2024 GOP Straw Poll – Unstoppable Duo!

Former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have won the Townhall Media 2024 Republican presidential primary straw poll. It appears that conservative Americans cannot get enough of these two influential leaders!

Within the first three weeks, nearly 40,000 individuals participated in the poll, demonstrating that the conservative constituency is energized and eager to be heard. Who could blame them? Trump's courageous leadership and unapologetic America-first agenda resonate strongly with the American public. It is not surprising that he received nearly 52 percent of the vote in this straw poll.

However, let's not overlook rising sensation Ron DeSantis. This charismatic governor from the Sunshine State has caused a stir with his unwavering commitment to liberty, limited government, and commonsense policies. The poll results reflect this, with DeSantis receiving slightly more than 38 percent of the vote.

Now, as for the remaining eight candidates, let's just say they didn't quite make the mark. It appears that neither candidate received more than four percent of the vote. It may be time for Pence, Christie, Elder, Burgum, and Hutchinson to reconsider their political ambitions. The American people have spoken, and they desire a robust, conservative administration.

It is evident from the state-by-state breakdown that Trump and DeSantis have national support. From Alaska to Vermont, the popularity of the former President knows no bounds. And in Colorado, Georgia, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin, DeSantis has won the affections of conservatives.

However, what about those crucial early stages? Don't be afraid, reactionary electors. Trump is ahead of DeSantis in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada by a commanding margin. It demonstrates that Trump still possesses the necessary support to secure the Republican nomination in 2024.

As for the other candidates, they can take solace in the fact that they received some support in certain jurisdictions. Tim Scott had a modest following in Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming, whereas Vivek Ramaswamy was most popular in the District of Columbia. Chris Christie had a few supporters in Vermont and the District of Columbia, while Nikki Haley made impacts in the District of Columbia. Mike Pence had a small showing in Rhode Island. In no state were Larry Elder, Doug Burgum, and Asa Hutchinson able to garner more than one percent of the vote. Better success next time, gentlemen.

As we approach the first GOP primary debate, the Townhall's Straw Poll will remain open, allowing conservatives to express their preferences. And mark August 8 on your calendars, because the next round of polling results will be disclosed on that date. If you haven't already voted, don't neglect your opportunity to be heard. Restore America's greatness by rallying behind a strong conservative leadership!

Written by Staff Reports

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