
Trump Urges GOP to Focus on Democrats, Not Infighting Amid Greene’s Bid to Oust Speaker

Former President Trump advised the House to set aside the push by his supporter Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to remove Speaker Mike Johnson. Trump expressed strong support for Greene, applauding her spirit and fight, but emphasized the need for Republicans to focus on battling the Radical Left Democrats and the harm they have caused to the country. He noted that the timing was not right for pursuing the motion to remove Johnson and warned that it could create chaos within the Republican Party ahead of upcoming elections.

The motion by Greene to have Johnson vacate his seat was ultimately tabled in a bipartisan vote, with a majority of Democrats and 11 Republicans voting against advancing the motion. Trump pointed out that the Republican Party’s narrow majority in the House was not conducive to voting on the motion at this time, underscoring the importance of unity within the party.

Greene’s effort to remove Johnson stemmed from GOP frustration with his advocacy for substantial Ukraine funding as part of a national security spending package. Many Republicans voiced concerns that international priorities were being prioritized over the country’s own national security interests along the southern border. Greene, in a letter written in April, highlighted the disagreement of the American people, emphasizing their belief in the importance of securing the U.S. border.

Trump supported Johnson despite raising some concerns, portraying him as a diligent and well-meaning individual. He acknowledged that there were certain things he wished had been done differently in recent months but expressed confidence in achieving collective goals. Additionally, he encouraged Republicans to vote for the motion to table, emphasizing potential victories in the upcoming elections.

The former president’s message underscored the need for Republican unity and the potential negative impact of displaying disunity, cautioning that it could be perceived as chaos and adversely affect their electoral prospects.

Written by Staff Reports

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