
X/Twitter Strikes Back: Sues Media Matters for Smear Campaign!

Why are these left-wing groups always trying to stir up trouble? X/Twitter, the company formerly known as Twitter before Elon Musk took over and gave it a much-needed makeover, is taking a stand against Media Matters for America and their bogus claims. X is accusing Media Matters of cooking up fake ad placements alongside neo-Nazi content to rile up advertisers and push them to boycott the platform.

Imagine that! The nerve of these lefties to pull such a stunt. X is not having it, though. They’re not standing idly by while their good name is dragged through the mud. They’re slapping Media Matters with a lawsuit, and boy, are they serious. They’re not playing around – they’ve filed their case in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, and they mean business.

X/Twitter’s CEO, Linda Yaccarino, is setting the record straight, too. She’s coming out swinging, debunking Media Matters’ false claims. According to her, not a single real user saw ads from IBM, Comcast, or Oracle next to any of the so-called hate speech on the platform. And as for Apple’s ads, only two users saw them next to the content, and at least one of them was from Media Matters itself. Can you believe the audacity?

And that’s not all – the Lone Star State is stepping in, too. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is gearing up to investigate Media Matters for potential fraudulent activity. It looks like the show’s just getting started, folks.

If you ask Allum Bokhari, the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News, he’d tell you this is just another example of Big Tech taking on the biased far-left machine. And it looks like X/Twitter is leading the charge for truth and justice in the digital world. Watch out, Media Matters – because the conservatives aren’t backing down this time around!

Written by Staff Reports

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