
Biden Fights for Gas Stove Ban, Cooking Up Trouble for Small Chefs

The Biden administration is continuing their war on gas stoves and furnaces, this time calling for a liberal California city’s ban on natural gas in new buildings to be upheld in federal court. Despite Democrats like Chuck Schumer previously claiming that “nobody is taking away your gas stove,” we can see that this is exactly what they are attempting to do. The Department of Energy acknowledges that roughly half of all gas stoves on the U.S. market today would not meet its proposed cooking appliance efficiency requirements, and a proposed regulation could effectively prohibit 40-60% of current residential gas furnaces on the market. These burdensome regulations will make it much harder for small, up-and-coming restauranteurs and chefs to establish themselves while competitors with connections, like celebrity chef José Andrés, are granted exemptions.

It’s clear that this isn’t a myth, despite what Democrats would have you believe. Just weeks ago, we highlighted the proposed Biden administration regulation and the related proposal governing gas furnaces. Now, the Biden administration is going to bat for gas stove bans in federal court, with officials filing a joint brief in support of Berkeley’s ban on natural gas in new buildings. This policy was struck down in April, but the Biden administration is calling for the ruling to be overturned. CNN even reported that New York became the first state to ban natural gas stoves and furnaces in most new buildings.

Despite all of this evidence to the contrary, Democrats like Chuck Schumer and others have continued to ridicule Republicans for believing that they want to take away our gas stoves. But when legislation was introduced to prevent the Consumer Product Safety Commission from finalizing a rule banning gas stoves, the majority of House Democrats voted against it. It’s time to face the fact that the “myth” of the war on gas stoves and furnaces is becoming more real each day.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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