
Even Critics Can’t Deny: Trump’s Influence Still Strong Despite Legal Allegations

New polling from The New York Times and Siena College confirms what we already knew: Trump is the big boss of the Republican presidential primary. The numbers don’t lie, folks. According to the Times/Siena poll conducted from July 24-27, Trump is sitting comfortably at a whopping 54 percent, while DeSantis, bless his heart, is struggling to catch up at a meager 17 percent. The rest of the candidates are practically invisible with three percent or less. It’s like they’re hiding under Trump’s shadow, y’all.

And let me tell you, this poll is representative of the whole darn country. Trump is winning over every demographic group and region. It don’t matter if you’re a man or woman, young or old, college-educated or not, live in a city or out in the boonies — Trump’s got your vote. The man is unstoppable. Even those who claim to worry about his legal troubles still can’t resist his charm. They’re jumping ship from DeSantis faster than you can say “Make America Great Again.”

Speaking of DeSantis, bless his heart once again. He’s been trying to convince everyone that he’s more electable and would govern better than Trump. But guess what? Nobody’s buying it. Not even the folks who are fired up about fighting “radical woke ideology.” They still prefer Trump. Can you blame ’em? Trump is like a locomotive, ready to steamroll right through Biden and his liberal agenda.

Now, I gotta give some credit to DeSantis. He may have narrowly beaten Trump when it comes to being “likable” and “moral.” But who cares about that when we’re talking about the leader of the free world? We need someone who’s fun, who can beat Biden, and who can actually get things done. And that someone is Trump, according to a majority of Republicans. In fact, Trump is so much more fun than DeSantis that it’s almost comical.

So, folks, let me sum it up for ya. It may be early in the race, but the math is crystal clear. Trump’s the kingpin, and nothing seems to be able to knock him down. Not even those pesky legal troubles or polls predicting a tough fight against Biden in the general election. Republicans know Trump is their best shot at taking down Sleepy Joe, and they’re sticking with him, serious crimes or not. That’s loyalty, my friends. That’s the Trump train. All aboard!

Written by Staff Reports

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