
Home Depot Titan Defies Left, Vows Unyielding Trump Support

The co-founder of the beloved Home Depot store chain, Bernie Marcus, has made it crystal clear that he is standing firmly behind Donald Trump, even if the former president faces a conviction over various legal battles. With a big, bold “Don’t tread on Trump” attitude, Marcus assured everyone that he’s got Trump’s back no matter what because he sees the whole thing as nothing but a bunch of baloney. “I think it’s all trumped up,” Marcus said without skipping a beat.

Despite Trump’s legal run-ins, including allegations related to the January 6 Capitol chaos and his attempts to flip the 2020 election results in Georgia, the former president is still leading the pack as the top Republican contender for the 2024 presidential primary. So, old Bernie is standing by his man.

And get this, folks – not only is Marcus holding tight to Trump’s coattails, but Trump himself is reportedly “very happy” about all the support he’s been getting, according to Marcus. Seems like they’re quite the dynamic duo, huh?

Oh, and that’s not all. Last year, Marcus looked President Joe Biden smack in the eye and labeled him as “the worst president in the history of this country.” Yeah, you read that right. He didn’t hold back one bit. And while he was at it, he took a swing at socialism, too, saying, “Under that system, nobody works,” like he was dropping the mic after a killer performance.

In a final act of defiance against the woke culture that Marcus just can’t stomach, he let out a roar, declaring, “We used to have free speech here. We don’t have it.” And then he delivered the knockout punch: “The woke people have taken over the world. You know, I imagine today they can’t attack me. I’m 93. Who gives a crap about Bernie Marcus?”

Marcus has made it loud and clear that he’s not backing down, and with the Iowa caucuses on the horizon, all eyes are on the Republican Party’s 2024 primary. Will Trump make a grand return to the White House for a rematch with Biden? Well, it’s anyone’s guess, but one thing’s for sure – Bernie Marcus isn’t budging an inch in his support for Trump. And that’s a fact, folks.

Written by Staff Reports

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